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A Business Law Attorney Can Help You Start Your New Business

 Posted on February 07,2023 in Business Law

Glen Ellyn Business Law AttorneyStarting a business can be a thrilling, rewarding experience, but it can also be nerve-wracking and stressful. There are so many things a new or prospective business owner needs to think about - how the market is currently being served, what kind of business structure to use, how to document the business’s daily operations, and so much more. 

For unseasoned business owners, so many of these processes can feel like a shot in the dark. How do you know if you are doing everything correctly? How can you protect yourself from future wage lawsuits or tax audits? Fortunately, an Illinois business lawyer has experience in running a business smoothly and can give you the help you need. 

What Do Business Lawyers Do? 

The role of a business lawyer varies widely depending on the needs of the business itself. For new businesses, however, the role of a business lawyer is fairly consistent: Ensuring the business has a strong foundation on which to build and function smoothly. The many things a business lawyer can help with include, but are not limited to: 

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An Overview of Revocable Living Trusts for Estate Planning in Illinois

 Posted on January 17,2023 in Estate Planning

Glen Ellyn Wills and Trusts LawyerIf you are looking for a way to provide for your family’s future, a revocable living trust may be the right choice for you. A revocable living trust is an arrangement that allows you to manage and transfer your assets during your lifetime and after your death. It is important to understand the advantages of creating such a trust, as well as the legal requirements in Illinois, and a qualified estate planning lawyer can help.

What is a Revocable Living Trust?

A revocable living trust (RLT) is an agreement between an individual (the grantor) and another person or institution (the trustee). The grantor transfers ownership of their property into the trust, which is then managed by the trustee according to the terms outlined in the RLT document. With a revocable living trust, the grantor is able to retain control over all aspects of the trust, including how it is funded and what happens when they pass away. This type of trust offers many advantages over traditional wills, including avoiding probate court proceedings and reducing estate taxes.

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An Overview of the Divorce Process in Illinois

 Posted on December 19,2022 in Family Law

DuPage County Divorce LawyerPeople often spend months and even years thinking about divorce before actually beginning the process. The reasons for this are myriad: not being sure whether you really want to end the relationship, concern about divorce’s effects on young children, uncertainty about the divorce process itself. Whatever the reason, gathering information about how to get divorced in Illinois is an important first step for eventually leaving an unhappy or abusive marriage. 

While there are seemingly endless resources available online to help coach people through divorce, the process can be very complex and there is no substitute for an experienced divorce attorney who is looking out for a client’s best interests. If you want to know more about the divorce process in Illinois, read on and then contact one of the divorce lawyers with NN Legal Group for more information about your specific case. 

Where Do I File for Divorce? 

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Common Types of Business Litigation in DuPage County

 Posted on November 15,2022 in Business Law

DuPage County Contract Dispute LawyerAnyone who has started a business in Illinois knows how challenging it can be to get the project up and running. The planning, paperwork, and personal investment in time, money, and sweat equity can be overwhelming, especially in a business’s first few years. 

Unfortunately, even after all the careful effort involved in helping a business become successful, business owners may occasionally face unexpected litigation. Even if your business is not dealing with any lawsuits now, learning about the types of litigation a business like yours might face can help you prevent problems in the future, as well as understand the potential liability you may be facing and what action you should take. Whatever legal issues you may be facing, an Illinois business law attorney can help. 

Contract Disputes

Contract disputes are one of the most common types of business lawsuits. Companies may engage in contract disputes with individual contractors, other companies like service providers, and even with the government. 

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How Can a Real Estate Attorney Help First-Time Home Buyers? 

 Posted on October 20,2022 in Real Estate

Glen Ellyn Residental Real Estate LawyerBuying a home, especially for the first time, can be an experience filled with excitement and trepidation. After all, buying a home is both an enormous financial commitment and a major milestone in a person or couple’s life. If you are interested in buying a home in Illinois for the first time, you probably have a million questions about what you need to do. Fortunately, with the help of a residential real estate attorney, the process of buying a home can be simple and straightforward. 

Do I Have to Have a Lawyer to Buy a House in Illinois? 

Because buying a house entails signing major contracts, Illinois requires homebuyers to have an attorney review the purchase agreement before a home purchase can be finalized. Even if you do not have a real estate attorney for any other reason, this part, at least, is mandatory. Your contract should always have something called a “contingency clause,” which allows an attorney to review and change the contract. Your attorney will make sure this clause is there and that he or she makes other necessary changes to protect your interests. However, residential real estate attorneys can be helpful for many other reasons. 

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What Can I Do if a Neighbor Lets Their Dog Wander in My Yard?

 Posted on September 14,2022 in Civil Litigation

Glen Ellyn Neighbor Dispute LawyerNeighbors can be a blessing, but they can also be a major hassle to deal with. Even in some of the more rural areas of Illinois, most people have neighbors who live close enough to impact them with their behavior, and this is certainly true in densely populated areas. One subject on which people regularly disagree with the behavior of their neighbors is that of pets and other animals, especially dogs. A well-trained dog may be a man’s best friend, but a neighbor’s dog that is allowed to wander and harass neighboring people and property can present a major challenge. If you are struggling with a neighbor dispute over someone who lets their dog wander onto your yard, you may be able to take legal action. 

Should I Call the Police if a Neighbor’s Dog is in My Yard? 

A wandering dog may do no more harm than leave an unpleasant surprise on the bottom of your shoe. But when a dog presents a threat to children, elderly adults, or livestock, the matter needs to be taken seriously. If you have not already, try to resolve the issue by talking to your neighbor. It is possible that they may not be aware of the problem and could be willing to take steps to control their dog. 

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Can I Dispute a Prenup During Our Divorce? 

 Posted on August 08,2022 in Family Law

Glen Ellyn Family Law AttorneyAlthough Millennials and Gen Z are getting married at lower rates than previous generations, when they do get married, a significant percentage of them create and sign a prenuptial agreement. This is partly because they tend to get married at older ages and have more value in their personal belongings than previous generations. It is also in part because they have a heightened consciousness of the likelihood of divorce and its financial risks. 

Whatever the reason for creating a prenup, spouses may find that, faced with the prospect of divorce, their prenup no longer serves their interests or perhaps never did. An outcome that may not seem so bad in theory may suddenly sound terrible in practice. In cases like this, it is only natural to wonder whether the terms of a prenup can be disputed in court. 

What Can Invalidate a Prenup? 

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How to Choose a Power of Attorney for Finances or Healthcare

 Posted on July 25,2022 in Estate Planning

Glen Ellyn Estate Planning AttorneyEstate planning is one of those responsibilities that people tend to postpone as long as possible. Understandably, thinking about the possibility of incapacitation or death is not something most people are eager to consider. However, building a detailed estate plan is essential to ensuring that your wishes are followed if you fall extremely ill or pass away.

The term “power of attorney” may refer to a legal document or the individual that acts as power of attorney. There are two main types of powers of attorney in Illinois. One handles financial concerns on another person’s behalf and the other handles medical decisions. As you create your estate plans, make sure to carefully choose the individual or individuals who will act as your power of attorney.

Power of Attorney for Property and Healthcare Power of Attorney

Have you ever thought about who should manage your affairs if you are in a serious accident or suffer an incapacitating illness? A power of attorney is an estate planning tool that lets you give someone the authority to act on your behalf if you cannot make or express your wishes. In Illinois, a power of attorney for property or financial power of attorney pays your bills and manages your money if you cannot do so yourself. A healthcare power of attorney makes medical decisions for you. Some people choose the same person to act as a healthcare power of attorney and financial power of attorney. Others choose two separate people to fulfill these roles.

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How Does Visitation or Parenting Time Work in Illinois?

 Posted on June 23,2022 in Family Law

DuPage County Family Law AttorneyIllinois has enacted many changes to divorce and family laws in recent years. Child custody is now broken down into two main categories: A parent’s right to make decisions about his or her child’s education, healthcare, and other vital issues is referred to as “parental responsibilities.” The time that a parent spends directly caring for his or her child is called “parenting time.” Read on to learn more about parenting time in Illinois.

Parenting Time Schedules and Parenting Plans

Divorced parents are required to draft a parenting agreement or parenting plan. The plan contains important information about how the parents will divide parenting time and responsibilities. Some parents alternate weeks or months which their children. Others use a 2-2-3 schedule in which the children switch homes every two days and parents alternate who has parenting time on the last three days of the schedule. Sometimes, one parent has the child on weekdays, and the other parent has the child on the weekends.

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Creating a Startup

 Posted on May 03,2022 in Uncategorized

DuPage County Business Law AttorneyAt their core, most entrepreneurs are dreamers. They dream of starting a business that will provide not only financial security but also personal fulfillment. Starting your own company and expanding it into a thriving business is a feat that few achieve. Many businesses fail within a few years. However, some entrepreneurs rise above the fray and achieve their business dreams. If you are thinking about developing a startup, it is important to explore your options carefully.

Will This Business Be Profitable?

Starting your own company is about much more than making money. A startup allows an entrepreneur to create something of great personal value. However, The bottom line of any business is profitability. You must ensure that your business will be lucrative. It is not enough to have an innovative idea or original product, you must also ensure that you will be able to sell your products and services to customers.

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